Beware of color traps in plastic pallets china!
 May 17, 2023|View:250

Now most of the plastic pallets china on the market are blue, this default color regulation largely facilitates the recycling and circulation of plastic pallets china in the market, but at the same time creates opportunities for some black-hearted manufacturers to harm the interests of consumers.


In addition to blue, there are other customized colors on the market, such as: white, black, gray, yellow, green, etc., these colors have no functional and environmental requirements, but in order to meet the needs of classification, beauty, use, etc., white and yellow pallets must be made of pure materials, and black pallets are made of recycled materials. If you need to customize these colors, plastic manufacturers will also charge you the price of changing materials.


Jiangsu Xuansheng Plastic Industry Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in R&D, production and sales of plastic pallets china. Welcome to contact us.

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